A Unique Musical Showcasing Brilliant Talent: Technically A Musical Review

Technically A Musical
Technically: A Musical


In this unique musical, Technically: A Musical takes us behind the curtain, placing the backstage crew in the spotlight. It is show week, and the crew is already swamped with all the work that needs to be done before curtains up. When the Director announces that the lead actor has quit an hour before the show is due to start, it is up to the crew to save the day. After all, the show must go on, right?

Like any good musical, it is packed with a variety of songs from upbeat tempos to slower ones. The cast all have lovely voices, with Lights’ solos perfectly complementing her sweet voice. Perhaps surprisingly for a light-hearted musical, the harmonies are impressive. One moment where three of the actors harmonise while praising the multifunctional purposes of gaffa tape is perfectly satisfying.

There’s some brilliant acting in the show, including from Stage Right, who is a definite stand-out. The youngest and newest of the team, her naivety and babyish mannerisms are a great contrast from the rest of the crew’s exhaustion and desperation at the huge task that awaits them. The Director received lots of laughter from the crowd, yet at times their acting is a bit much, and takes the attention away from the focus of the show. As a group, they all gel together, and it’s refreshing to see such distinct characters on stage.

From catchy tunes, fantastic harmonies, and an interesting plotline, Technically: A Musical has all the makings of a great musical. It would benefit from being performed on a raised stage: in Greenside’s Lime Studio, most of the audience have an obscured view of the characters when they sit at the front of the stage, which happens quite a lot. Full of joy and humour, it was a pleasure to catch it on its final night at this year’s Fringe.

Technically: A Musical was performed at Greenside’s Lime Studio as part of Edinburgh Fringe 2024.

Words by Ellen Leslie

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