As people around the UK are either in self-isolation, let go from their jobs or working from home, a lot of free time has opened up in our normally hectic schedules. As a semi-agoraphobic Millennial whose idea of a perfect evening is eating instant ramen on the sofa and going to bed at 10pm, this is not news I’m devastated by. With many publications from The Guardian to Refinery29 publishing ‘Films to Watch During Self-Isolation’ lists, we’re here to mix things up a bit. Here’s a watchlist of stuff you should actually, probably, be avoiding. This also includes Anything by Quarantine Tarantino. I mean Quentin Tarantino.
The Shining (1980)

Will make the whole “cabin fever” thing look a bit unappealing.
Oldboy (2003)

Is about a man who is forced to stay in the same room for fourteen years. Which is how long it already feels after two days.
Safe (1995)

About a very menacing illness and a threat that we can’t see. Timely!
Call Me By Your Name (2017)

Will make you want to go on holiday. Which you can’t.
Body Double (1985)

It may be one of my favourite films, but it’s also about a man who spends too much time at home, spies on his neighbour, and inadvertently sees a murder. And claustrophobia.
The TV series Chernobyl (2019)

See note for Safe.
The Terminal (2004)

Tom Hanks gets stuck in an airport unable to return to his family. Which could happen to you.
A Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood (2019)

Tom Hanks wears a red cardigan and enters a variety of unthreatening situations! This sounds nice, but then you remember real-life Tom Hanks has coronavirus.
And Then There Were None (2015)

This three-part adaptation of Agatha Christie’s novel is excellent, but it’s also about how a group of people in inescapable confinement all start to mysteriously die.
Misery (1990)

About a man trapped in his own home and unable to leave. Sure, it’s because he’s tied to a bed by a psychopath, but you get the gist.
Words by Steph Green