Book By My Bedside: Crescendo // Becca Fitzpatrick


Title: Crescendo

Author: Becca Fitzpatrick

What I Think So Far: As the second book in the Hush, Hush series, Crescendo is much more emotionally focused than its predecessor; some chapters even left a lump in my throat. Becca Fitzpatrick has made this installment interesting due to the revelations concerning Nora’s past, and although many questions remain unanswered, I have been well and truly hooked into the series. The whole nature of the plot was unpredictable, but none more so than the ending. I didn’t work out who was trying to kill Nora until just before the reveal – which is unusual considering the often predictable nature of young adult fiction. However, this book seemed very slow in parts compared to the thrill ride of Hush, Hush. Crescendo started out with a great intensity that seemed to fizzle out, making it difficult to continue reading at times, but this did make the moments of action much more satisfying. Luckily, Crescendo redeemed itself as the suspense returned for the last quarter of the book.

Nora’s character really grew in this novel. She became more rebellious, and her strength was undoubtedly more inspiring this time round – impressive considering the bench mark. Although she believed herself to be weak, her actions and the way she handled her thoughts and feelings showed a great strength of character. I really like Nora simply because she is relatable. Rather than being this unrealistically strong character who tackles everything thrown in her way, she breaks down and is honest with her emotions, which is a great strength and credit to Fitzpatrick.

The cruel cliff hanger at the end left me hooked and still desperate to continue the series. Crescendo is full of suspense, and although the plot lagged in places it was still a very entertaining read.

Would I Recommend: If you enjoyed Hush, Hush this book won’t disappoint. If you are interested in reading this book then you should definitely read Hush, Hush first! I recommend the series for people who enjoy the supernatural genre, or for those who just love a good mystery to solve.

Rating: 7/10

Words by Melissa Churchill


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