Book By My Bedside: Finders Keepers // Stephen King


Title: Finders Keepers

Author: Stephen King

What I Think So Far: Having only recently polished off and subsequently left almost in awe of Mr. Mercedes – the first instalment of King’s somewhat unorthodox crime-thriller trilogy –  I felt compelled to dive straight into the sequel, on the day of its release. Now bearing down on the halfway mark, it is abundantly clear that the so-called master of the macabre’s preconception that retired detective Bill Hodges’ sophomore literary voyage sufficiently exceeds its consummate predecessor and is right on the mark. The novel amicably follows the same concurrent, dual narrative structure, further building on certain elements of an increasingly apparent, encompassing arch, first instigated in the opening chapter of the first book.

Would I recommend? For fans of King’s writing on the whole it’s a no-brainer, as long as you’ve read the first one. For those unfamiliar with his the bulk of his bibliography, the Bill Hodges trilogy would certainly be an intriguing, if slightly unconventional place to start.

Words By Alex Graham


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