Book By My Bedside: The Hobbit // J.R.R Tolkien


Title: The Hobbit

Author: J.R.R Tolkien

What I Think So Far: Having never experienced the worlds created by J.R.R Tolkien until late last year, I decided to pick up The Hobbit as an introduction to the wordsmith himself, away from film adaptations and preconceptions. Immediately in the novel you are thrown into the story, beginning with the narrative of hobbit Bilbo Baggins and his unlikely recruitment into the quest set by Gandalf and the thirteen dwarfs. Throughout the story there are instances when it fulfils its aims of being the ultimate accompaniment to the Fantasy Fiction genre: there are appearances by dwarves, elves, giant spiders and dragons, fulfilling the clichés of the genre, but still managing to reinvent itself in a way that entices the reader to continue.

Would I recommend it?: Certainly! This book encapsulates the wanderlust of adventure that is evident in the creation of fantasy fiction, an escape from reality that continues to be loved by both adults and children since its creation in 1937.

Rating: 9/10

Words by Kirsty Jackson


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