20 Years Strong: Celebrating Pulp’s ‘Different Class’



Coming from one of the greatest albums of the decade, Underwear is often overshadowed by the classics from the album. Many people will just skip or not even bother downloading the song. Underwear mixes the slow paced, romantic side of Pulp with the upbeat, kicking guitar playing that we all know and love.

Its meaningful lyrics put you in a position thinking “I wish someone wrote about having sex with me this way and not just invite me to Netflix and Chill”. Cocker’s choice of lyrics are simply genius “How the hell did you get there, standing naked in somebody else’s room” and if you have ever been full of regret for sleeping with someone when you shouldn’t, well then this is the song for you. My favourite part of the song is when Cocker belts out beautifully “I’d give my whole life to see it” honestly goose bumps rise up my arm when I hear him meaningfully belt out that beautiful lyric. The song ends as it begins, a simple masterpiece that’s often forgot about.

Words by Brigid Harrison – Draper



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