My Life in Songs: Anthony J Cody


I won’t lie, over the years I have gone literally from one extreme to the other as far as music is concerned; from Nicki Minaj (dark times) to Guns ‘n’ Roses, my musical taste has changed more times than Taylor Swift’s relationship status. For this list, I’ll be sharing the songs that have played a significant role in my life.

You and Me // Lifehouse

I first heard this song about two years ago when I was spending my days binge watching all 10 Seasons of Smallville, because my life is so interesting like that. Smallville actually has a decent soundtrack, and I’d be tempted to put the theme tune on this list were it not for this song from the Season 4 episode Spirit. It’s the perfect song for a wedding and without getting too soppy, this will be the first dance at my wedding because it’s such a beautiful song by a very underrated band.


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