My Life In Books: Megan Stanley


Another lazy Sunday: What does that mean, you ask? It means it’s time for another ‘My Life in Books.’ This week, it’s Megan Stanley’s turn to write about the books that define her life.

Matilda // Roald Dahl

matildaThe brilliant words of Roald Dahl have captured the imagination of children worldwide, and I am no exception.

There was always something special about the story of a young girl in love with books and brave enough to cause mischief as an act of revenge to those who wrong her. As a child I would return to this story again and again, until the corners of my copy were tattered beyond belief.

Whilst the antagonists of the story are those who are meant to keep you safe and happy, family members specifically, Matilda is a tale with a happy ending, teaching the lesson that nothing will change without some action and you mustn’t accept any negativity or nastiness. Matilda gives children the hope that standing up to things that scare you will result in something positive – you just have to try.



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