Single Review: Downtown // Mystic Peach


The musical landscape of Southampton has changed somewhat in the past year with the addition of new venues and some quality home grown talent and now the city has added another jewel to its shiny crown with the emergence of Mystic Peach. The South Coast based 3 piece have finally unravelled the mystery surrounding them with the release of their debut single ‘Downtown’ which sees their shoe gaze infused indie sound do all the talking.

‘Downtown’ gives us a look into the minds of Curtis Gale and his band of merry men and allows us to venture into their influences, with a Peace like melody the groove is irresistible while the chorus gives us an eruption of loud drums and thunderous vocals. A bedroom concoction that stems from the bands love of psychedelic and indie bands Mystic Peach announce themselves to the world with a groovy transparent look into their musical minds.

Callum McCormack



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