The Top 10 Arctic Monkeys Songs


3. Fluorescent Adolescent’// Favourite Worst Nightmare

When a song is featured on The Inbetweeners, you know it’s a good song.

‘Fluorescent Adolescent’ was the first single from the Arctic Monkeys second album, Favourite Worst Nightmare. From the moment the first guitar chord is struck, the song grabs your attention.  In typical Monkeys fashion, the two guitars are constantly supported by brilliant bass and drums.

This track is another Alex Turner lyrical masterpiece, as Turner reminisces on his youth and realises that getting older is a little bit boring: “You used to get it in your fishnets / Now you only get it in your nightdress.”

Turner takes a serious topic and concern, and makes it fun. The song is playful and witty, how can a 21-year-old rockstar be reminiscing about his youth?

“Nothing seems as pretty as the past”, declares Turner, if only he could have looked into his future to see how pretty it’d become.


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