Track Review: The Hours // Kid North


Kid North have produced a well-crafted ear-worm of an indie-pop track with ‘The Hours’. Opening ambiguously with a rising cinematic synth pad, this Parisian trio are quick to show their indie-pop colours as the verse kicks in and Foals-esque guitar work and a bouncing bass line are introduced, supported by a relaxed disco groove on the drums. The feel is light and groovy with plenty of room left for the lead vocalist (who happens to be the drummer on this track), who slips neatly between his mid register and falsetto which he uses poignantly throughout the track.

Kid North’s effective use of falsetto on this track reflects how they go about their song-writing in general: all instrumentation is subtle, contained and understated where it needs to be, but reveals trills and flares in all the right spots as the track develops. One of these spots is during the breakdown section where saxophone is welcomed into the mix. As the song breaks at the climax of the breakdown, the bright sax soars above the drums and bass which have now taken a heavier turn: straight and driving rather than light and groovy, the real bass being substituted for a synthesised one to provide longer, sustained notes.

Following from this song and their recent electro-tinged single ‘Rip Tide‘, Kid North’s forthcoming release on Tsunami Addiction, New Waters, is certain to be full of more great concise and danceable indie-pop. Keep up to date with this Parisian three-piece via their Facebook and Soundcloud to hear it as soon as it’s released.

Words by Cem Ozer


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