Track Review: Only Good Things // The Murder Capital

The Murder Capital

Modelling themselves on their national tipple of Guinness, Ireland’s The Murder Capital prove that ‘Only Good Things’ come to those who wait with their new single. Released on 20 July 2022, the track comes a whopping three years since their last original music and debut album, the UK Top 20 charting ‘When I Have Fears’ – and with the band having alluded to the single’s name as early as 2020, it arrives with endless amounts of anticipation.

Fans of the dark, raw, emotional energy of ‘When I Have Fears’ will not be disappointed by the new release, but they certainly will find the quintet in a more optimistic fettle three years on. Elements of the debut that underpinned its cathartic expressions of grief remain, but now as part of a lighter, bittersweet, and more refined sound. 

The rhythm section of Diarmuid Brennan and Gabriel Paschal Blake remain the driving force behind the band’s music, with Cathal Roper and Damien Tuit’s guitars still hanging glassy high notes and repeated figures upon that framework – however, the music itself takes a turn for the euphoric and anthemic compared to much of the insular and isolated debut. It couldn’t be more similar, yet more different.

Perhaps the most striking difference from 2019’s effort to now is in James McGovern’s vocal delivery. Matching the more open and enthusiastic accompaniment, the singer finds a lilting tone that floats over the verses detailing his vulnerability. 

The familiar powerful character of McGovern’s voice heard on previous releases creeps back in over the titular refrain, but never quite shines all the way through, letting the more sensitive quality lead the song – this really packs an emotional punch as the song climaxes as he wails “How it’s all beautiful // How beautiful”, before almost whispering the final few lines accompanied only by guitar.

For a band whose formative period was submerged in grief, ‘Only Good Things’ represents a processing of those emotions, accepting the need to move forward and up while holding onto the feelings of the past. 

With their social media biographies being updated to only contain two dots, it’s a safe bet that album two is on the way – and if this track is anything to go by, it’s going to be a real emotional ride.

Words by David Harrold

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