Will The Queen’s Death Result In Rising Republicanism In Britain?


On 8 September 2022 the Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II, died at her home in Balmoral Castle. This is hardly breaking news; from the moment the media found out, I don’t think I’ve gone even a full hour without hearing about it. That’s not to downplay my sympathies to a family that has lost a loved one, but it is to say… really? It’s been two weeks and the news has barely covered anything else.

I don’t think it’s fair to cancel hospital appointments, close food banks, and plunge the country into a lockdown that overshadows those we saw during Covid for one person. In fact, this exact same thing was happening to millions of other people only last year, and they got nothing of the sort. Even adverts on TV were disabled – how is that respectful?

What’s the difference then? Class, money, and a sheer happenchance of birthplace. On any given day I am left wondering why more people aren’t republicans, but now more than ever, it is baffling to me.

To Be A Monarchist Is To Believe You Are A Second-Class Citizen

That is a bold statement but hear me out. Don’t get me wrong, I love binge-watching The Crown as much as the next person, but I just don’t want to experience it in real life. 

The biggest claim the monarchy has always lived by is the idea that they are chosen by god. I mean, that’s the first red flag. Now, I’m not a religious person but surely even if you are, your god (or gods) wouldn’t be singling out people and decreeing they are better than others for absolutely no discernible reason?

We have a massive class issue in this country and having a monarchy just adds fuel to the fire. I often hear people trying to claim that the monarchy – and indeed the Queen herself – have done so much good for the country, but when I ask for examples, they struggle. In particular, what have they done for working-class people? I can’t remember a time when the working class was not struggling; people are starving, freezing, working full-time, and still unable to survive. So what has the monarchy done besides sit in their supermassive palaces wearing their supermassive (stolen) jewels and changing the rules so that they don’t have to pay Inheritance Tax?

I’m sorry to say it, but if you are a royalist, by definition you are willingly and enthusiastically demoting yourself in the class system.

Why Are The Public Paying For a Millionaire’s Funeral (Especially During a Cost of Living Crisis)?

A quick Google search will tell you that the Queen was a multi-millionaire. So, why did the public pay for her funeral? At any time this would be an issue in my opinion, but look at where we are: a cost of living crisis that seems to be getting worse with each day that goes by. It’s not an exaggeration to say people are going to die due to a lack of welfare assistance.

So, how can anyone possibly justify spending the public’s money on this? I refer back to my point above about what the monarchy has done for the people; wouldn’t this have been the perfect opportunity to actually do something? And yet, no. Nothing. I appreciate the money for the funeral has been put aside for many years specifically for this, but I don’t think that makes it better. It’s capitalism in its most basic form: take from the poor and give to the rich. Did this country learn nothing from the Disney classic Robin Hood? That little fox had the right idea.

And don’t even get me started on the coronation next year!

The Opposing Attitudes On Hospitality To People In ‘The Queue’ Compared To Homeless People

The final big thing that stood out to me in all of this was the way people who were standing in The Queue overnight were treated, and how that directly contradicts the attitudes shown toward people who have no choice but to sleep outside every night. From blankets being handed out and donated, to empty trains being offered up as places to sleep. While there was an all-out effort to make sure those people were comfortable, happy, and safe, the same cannot be said for those who live that reality every night.

What makes those two groups different? If I was a cynic I might wonder if it was down to the fact that homeless people contribute nothing financially to the state, and those in The Queue do. Monarchists will certainly have you believe the Queen did. But why does that matter? Isn’t the monarch supposed to serve the people? Did I miss the memo where poor or homeless people were not counted in that promise?

Republicanism And Socialism Go Hand-in-Hand: Fight For Better!

I’ll be the first to admit that there were times when I found the Queen very cute – we all remember how excited she was to see cows – but isn’t that the case for almost all old women? The truth of the matter is that she oversaw and was the figurehead for countless terrible crimes. Crimes of colonialism, theft, murder, racism. Not only do people have the right not to be bothered about the passing of the Queen, but they also have the right to actively speak out against the institution that allowed all of that to happen.

Ironically, while the media have done their absolute hardest in these past two weeks to convince the world that every Brit has been beside themselves about this death, I do believe the sheer desperation of that pursuit (along with the literal arrests of those protesting it) has backfired. I’ve heard of so many people saying the way this has been dealt with has pushed them from simply not being bothered, to identifying as republicans. And I think that’s exciting!

I know this will upset some people, but the truth is that I hold this opinion because I actually care. I don’t want anyone – no matter who they are – to believe they are second-class citizens. I don’t want anyone to have to choose between heating and eating while millionaires use their money to fuel pageantry for an institution that financially supports a sexual assaulter. And I especially don’t want anyone to die when their lives could have been saved by using the money available for good rather than to pay for millionaires to live lavishly.

All I ask is this: seriously, critically think about the implications of having a monarchy, because I think a lot of people will surprise themselves with the conclusions they come to.

Words by Becky Lauder

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