My Life in Games: Mary Helen Josephine


Mass Effect 3 (2012)- PC

Despite the major controversy surrounding the series’ ending, Mass Effect 3 was a magical sci-fi experience for me. I still religiously play through the campaign, furthering my virtual relationships with my crew members and gaining invaluable experience as a Vanguard or Soldier (to this day, I still have never chosen to be an Infiltrator). Mass Effect was the first RPG series I had ever played and experiencing all of my past game decisions culminate in the third installment was incredible.

Overcoming obstacles like Cerberus and the Reapers was a real pain in the butt, considering the goal was to unite the galaxy against these evil forces. Let’s be honest, it isn’t incredibly easy for alien species to be cooperative with one another. Commander Shepard’s time is taken up by convincing different individuals and groups within the galaxy to help Earth’s defense from the Reaper invasion and, you know, shooting them if they don’t agree to do so. femshep-mass-effect-3-free-posterLike I mentioned earlier, Mass Effect 3 does a phenomenal job of bringing back old personalities and making you face decisions that were made in the previous games. Pissed off a group of all female Asari in ME2 (like I did)? Shepard’s going to have to grovel at their feet or use massive amounts of firepower in order to persuade them to help her cause. Oh, and to keep the original atmosphere of humor and wit,  iconic one-line sarcastic catchphrases or insults are consistently sprinkled throughout characters’ exchanges of dialogue.

After reminiscing while writing this, I think I’m going to go play ME3 now.


*Honorable mentions: Alien: Isolation, Mass Effect 2, The Stanley Parable, Half Life 2, Fallout New Vegas



Words by Mary Helen Josephine




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