Top 10 Acts at Reading 2015


10) The Bulletproof Bomb

11043434_761478257269879_7693299847442560339_oFor many people with music tastes similar to my own, The Bulletproof Bomb were the first band of the festival on our clashfinders. They played an early set on Friday at the Festival Republic Stage and provided possibly the best warm up for the rest of the festival one could have asked for. Their performance was energetic and the crowd responded well, starting mosh-pits at every appropriate moment. They are certainly a band to watch out for in the future because, despite their relative inexperience, they were some of the finest live performers at the whole festival. Their single ‘Suitcase’ is a fresh sounding track that was, for many fans, a highlight that helped to make the set a very memorable start to the festival.



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