Track Review: Dead Arm // Beach Violence


Beach Violence enter the music scene with debut single ‘Dead Arm’. The group combine the diverse vocal styles of members Pablo Navarro MachLochlainn & Jessica Barker-Wren with drums from Adam Langstaff.

The simple chord progression introducing the track is accompanied by Barker-Wren’s haunting voice, before the unexpected contrast of MachLochlainn’s much deeper vocals follows her. The theme then confirms itself as a ballad of turmoil and dedication, represented between the pair.

Langstaff joins the song’s chorus with a galloping cavalry drum rhythm, projecting the lyrics “I’ll ride hard // That’s how I’ll ride to bring it to you”. Barker-Wren, with a range reaching incredibly low, uses a soulful harmonising that differs greatly from MachLochlainn’s clean-cut enunciation, meaning the lead melody can sometimes be drowned out.

‘Dead Arm’ has presented the risk the group are taking, and it will take some work to find the complementary balance between relatively opposing voices. The creative opportunities such a risk presents though, if used well, will no doubt work in Beach Violence’s favour.”

Words by Natalie Franklin


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